Why you should buy your baby a house

Real Estate Investing is a long game. The timeline of birth to ‘leaving the nest’ is a great time-frame for investing. It will set you up to support your child in pursuing their dreams, whatever they may be!

Becoming a new parent is wild. All of a sudden, you’re truly and deeply responsible for another person. Below are a few reasons it might be a good idea to purchase real estate with your wee-one in mind.


  • Purchase a Property

  • Have renters pay the mortgage for 18+ years

  • Let the real estate market appreciate, as it naturally does

  • Sell or re-finance to capture equity

  • Use the proceeds to pay for college (or something else awesome)


  • The national average appreciation rate is 4% year over year. Some markets outpace that, compounding your equity.

  • There can be significant tax advantages to owning investment property - and you should talk to your tax person about them!

  • When considering this, you may also want to look at 529 College Savings options. This is another great conversation for your tax person.

  • If your property cash-flows (which is ideal for many reasons) you will be able to roll that into other savings / opportunities for yourself or your child.

  • Think of the learning opportunity as they reach teenage years! You’ll be able to teach your child about investing, appreciation, depreciation, ROI - and give them a solid financial education & footing. You may even bring them in to help manage the property.

  • Can also be valuable as an estate planning tool.

  • If your child decides to go to college, you can leverage your current real estate, to purchase a property close to their campus, and rent it to their friends - in some cases, eliminating housing costs. Depending on markets and timing, this may create another equity position for you as well.


Setting your investment criteria


The cost of Money | Mortgage interest rates